Affiliate Capacity Building Survey

Help share the story and impact of this new program!

The Washington Main Street Affiliate Capacity Building Grant Program is a pilot project of the Department of Archaeology & Historic Preservation (DAHP), funded through fiscal years 2022-2023 by the Washington State Legislature and managed under contract by the Washington Trust for Historic Preservation. The grants are designed to help rural Affiliates prepare for, hire, and onboard their first part-time or full-time executive director.

What are we asking you? Since the Affiliate Capacity Building grant program is only a pilot, part of our work coordinating it is to gather information about its effectiveness so legislators can make an informed decision about continuing it in the future. The short survey below asks questions about your experiences and outcomes as part of this pilot. Your input is tremendously important!

How will this information be used? We want to know whether the capacity of your organization is strengthened by this grant program, so individual responses will be anonymous but we ask you to identify your community so that we can show the impact on each of the inaugural grant recipients.

Your answers will be grouped with others from your community and shared with our funders and partners, as one measure of the impact of the Affiliate Capacity Building Grant Program.

Please complete this survey by August 14, 2022.

Share your thoughts here!


Please contact us via email or at 509-202-4299.