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Old Tumwater Brewery

Status: In the works!

Year Listed: 2003

Location: Thurston County

Tumwater, Thurston County

The six-story Italianate brick brewhouse, erected in 1906 by Olympia Brewing Company’s original owner, Leopold Schmidt, is Tumwater’s best known landmark. Part of Tumwater’s New Market Historic District and listed on the national and state registers of historic places, the Old Brewhouse is vacant and in deteriorating condition. Bricks have detached from the building and are unstable. Wooden roofs have collapsed, and water damage is widespread. Owner SABMiller Brewery has announced it will close its entire plant in July 2003. It is unclear whether the 1906 building will be closed, demolished, or left in its present state. The City of Tumwater supports a public-private partnership for restoration and adaptive re-use of the Old Brewery. Discussion of such a vision continues between the City and prospective developers, but no resolution has been reached.

PHN Listing

Department of Archaeology & Historic Preservation

Year Listed: 2003

Location: Thurston County

The Department of Archaeology & Historic Preservation is Washington State’s primary agency with knowledge and expertise in historic preservation. We advocate for the preservation of Washington’s irreplaceable historic and cultural resources—significant buildings, structures, sites, objects, and districts—as assets for the future.

Region: Statewide

County: Thurston


Allyson Brooks, Ph.D., State Historic Preservation Officer / Director

Greg Griffith, Deputy State Historic Preservation Officer

Michael Houser, State Architectural Historian

Kim Gant, Certified Local Government Coordinator & Survey Program Manager

Nicholas Vann, Historical Architect

">Guy Tasa , Ph.D., State Physical Anthropologist

Rob Whitlam, Ph.D., State Archaeologist

More DAHP Staff


1110 S. Capitol Way, Suite 30
Olympia, WA 98501

Mailing Address:
PO Box 48343
Olympia, WA 98504-8343

