DAHP Capital Grant Program Awards for the 2021-2023 Biennium

Congratulations to all of the projects across the state receiving grants from the Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation (DAHP) for the 2021-2023 Biennium!
Heritage Barn Capital Grant Program
Thirty-five projects were selected from 21 counties across the state for a total award amount of over $875,000. We can’t wait to see how each project preserves and celebrates the agricultural heritage within the Evergreen State!

Historic Cemetery Capital Grant Program
Thirteen historic cemetery projects were selected from 11 counties across the state for a total award amount of over $280,000. We look forward to seeing how each preservation project enables historic cemeteries to continue serving their communities and honoring the military veterans buried within them!

Historic County Courthouse Rehabilitation Grant Program
Lewis, Okanogan, and Walla Walla Counties have been awarded a DAHP Historic County Courthouse Rehabilitation Grant for the 2021-2023 Biennium. Since 2005, the program has provided 66 grant awards to 26 county courthouses statewide, totaling $19 million in grant funds that have leveraged more than $50 million in overall capital improvements. We look forward to sharing highlights from each of the courthouses as work progresses through the year!

Historic Theater Capital Grant Program
For the inaugural 2021-2023 Biennium of DAHP’s Historic Theater Capital Grant Program, eight projects were selected from seven counties across the state for a total award amount of over $280,000. We look forward to giving you a front row view of these preservation projects that are so important to the livelihood of the communities they’re in!

The Heritage Barn Capital Grant Program, Historic Cemetery Capital Grant Program, Historic County Courthouse Rehabilitation Program, and the Historic Theater Capital Grant Program are programs of the Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation and are managed under contract by the Washington Trust for Historic Preservation. If you had applied for one of the above grants for the 2021-2023 Biennium and have not received notification of your funding status, please check your spam folder or reach out directly to us by emailing .