A Letter from Sammamish Heritage Society

Dear Supporters of Providence Heights College,

Sammamish Heritage Society is very grateful to everyone who has been helping, supporting and contributing to save Providence Heights. The GoFundMe page has been growing at an encouraging rate

Due to the lag time between when money is donated to GoFundMe pages and is sent to our account I cannot give an accurate estimate of our balance at this time, but it appears that after paying the Appeal Fee and our attorney’s invoices for April and May, the money raised so far, including $5,720 on the GoFundMe page, will be just enough to pay Mr. Bricklin’s fees for his work in June with little or nothing left over.

We do not have the money to pay for the preparation work he has done in July or his appearance at the Hearing on Tuesday. In fact, I’ve already told Mr. Bricklin that there is no way to pay for a second Hearing day so we must make some cuts. Each hour of Mr. Bricklin’s time costs $325 and he is the best way to save Providence Heights. Only if he can convince the Hearing Examiner on Tuesday to stop the demolition permit can we save the property.

I estimate that we are still about $7,000 short of the amount we need to pay Mr. Bricklin for his preparation work in July and to represent Providence Heights at the Hearing.

I know most of you have contributed very generously, but I am asking you once again whether you can stretch to another donation. Can you please buy one hour of Mr. Bricklin’s time?

I also ask that you think about others who might contribute to this last ditch effort to save Providence Heights and please call them at once.

Here’s the GoFundMe link: https://www.gofundme.com/hcs8h-save-providence-heights-campus

Thanks again,

Eirlys Vanderhoff
President, Sammamish Heritage Society

For more information about the campaign to raise money for the legal defence of Providence Heights, please see: Advocacy Alert: Providence Heights Needs YOU!