We put together this toolkit of social media graphics and Canva templates to help you showcase your local Main Street organization and community during Main Street Week (June 12-16, 2023): the people, places, programs/events, and businesses that make your downtown vibrant and unique and the reasons why you do the work you do.
For each day of Main Street Week, you’ll find downloadable graphics that offer some background information on Main Street as a national movement and on the Washington State Main Street Program. Please save these and use them as-is to introduce the theme for each day. You’ll also see links to Canva templates for each day: please edit these and customize them to share information about your local Main Street organization and community. Some templates have multiple options for graphics to customize; choose the one(s) that make the most sense for your organization/downtown. Some templates also have optional graphics with prompts to elicit responses from your social media (or website/newsletter) audience. Feel free to include these, or skip them if you’re still working to build a following online.
Watch this video tutorial to see how you can easily swap images and edit text to customize the Canva templates:
Monday, June 12: Who
Customizable Canva Template: Use this template to introduce the people who lead your local Main Street organization: the Executive Director, board members, or any other key people who you want to your audience to know. You can also share other familiar faces you see downtown, like business owners, volunteers, or city staff.
Tuesday, June 13: What
Customizable Canva Template: Use this template to share the mission of your local Main Street organization—what you do to make your downtown stronger for those who live and work there and come to visit.
Wednesday, June 14: When
Customizable Canva Template: Use this template to share any key seasonal events or programs. While we know you’re busy year-round working in support of your local Main Street community, think of this template as a way to showcase those times of the year where your downtown really shines.
Thursday, June 15: Where
Customizable Canva Template: Use this template to showcase where your historic downtown is located—whether that’s through a map showing people where to find Main Street in the context of your city/town or region or through photos that highlight the unique sense of place of your local community.
Friday, June 16: Why
Why are our local Main Street Communities so important to us?
Customizable Canva Template: Use this template to showcase why your local Main Street is the heart of your community—ask a downtown business owner or someone who volunteers with your organization for a quote you can share about why Main Street is important to them. You might also ask those who follow your Main Street organization online to share why downtown is important to them.