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Wednesday, September 29, 2021
8:30am – 9:00am | Platform Opens
9:00am – 9:15am | Welcome Message & Video
9:15am – 10:15am | Session One
Main Street Farmers Markets: Growing Your Downtown, Economy, and Community
- Andrew Holt – Downtown Association of Yakima
Learn about how a farmers market in your downtown core can significantly fulfill your organization’s mission by spurring economic growth, creating activity in your downtown core, cultivating connections with your entire community, and expanding your volunteer base. Also hear about the growing pains and lessons learned in developing a market, tips on different ways to operate a market, and how you can expand your vision for your market to be a larger player in the revitalization of your downtown.
10:30am – 11:30am | Session Two
Square Standards and Round Places: Using the Right Preservation Tools to Address Cultural Significance
- Nicholas Vann – Department of Archaeology & Historic Preservation
- Huy Pham – Washington Trust for Historic Preservation
As the preservation ethic continues to expand beyond high style architecture, communities see a growing need for innovative practices that can adequately recognize, protect, and celebrate the traditions and stories that matter to them. While the Secretary of Interior Standards have laid the foundation for the preservation of visual and material significance, a community’s physical and historic identity oftentimes transcends materiality. Join Nick Vann and Huy Pham as they look for the missing tools that can really build a case for the conservation of places with cultural value.
11:45am – 12:45pm | Session Three
Imagining the Possibilities
- Linda Hagland – Wenatchee Downtown Association
A look into an economic development driven tour of spaces we call the “Downtown Possibilities Tour”. Available properties, newly renovated spaces, and even ones still in the works are highlighted through this popular and impactful biannual downtown Wenatchee tour that aims to “kick the tires” and spark inspiration for both potential business owners and property owners. This session discusses the impact the Downtown Possibilities Tour has had over the years and the positive ripple effect of connecting entrepreneurs to spaces where they can consider opening up their dream.
12:45pm – 2:00pm | Break
2:00pm – 3:00pm | Session Four
Placed-Based Business Models
- Gary Vegar – Horse Heaven Saloon
Downtown Prosser is home to a trifecta of businesses – all owned by the same local family – that have put historic buildings back to use and created a destination experience for customers. In this session, the Vegar family, owners of Horse Heaven Saloon, will share how they tapped into Prosser’s local history, geography, and fine and performing arts scenes – not to mention local crops and hops – as they developed a business model that now includes a brewery, unique lodging options, and western saloon.
3:00pm – 3:15pm | Closing Remarks