Found on your grant contract
Found on your grant contract
Typically, the full grant award amount – but you can request up to 3 partial reimbursements.
Describe the project as complete and any notable impacts it had and how the funding was useful for the project and community.
Describe any changes from the originally approved scope of work, including but not limited to time, cost, materials, or methods.
Provide the number of PAID jobs created from this project. In other words, how many different people worked on the project. If possible, please include a breakdown of jobs created according to work elements or roles (eg. 1 lead contractor, 4 on foundation, and 4 others on the roof).
Please also indicate the number of people or hours of VOLUNTEER or DONATED labor used, if any (eg. 2 board members and 2 volunteers spent 3 hours each clearing the building of debris and unused equipment prior to construction work).
Please indicate the number of acres under agricultural use at the property, with a description of the agricultural production/use.
This amount should also not exceed the Grant Award as stated on your grant contract. Partial reimbursements must be coordinate and approved in advance, so please contact if you have any questions.
Please note any virtual or in-person site visits conducted or planned with program staff.
Please use this prompt to provide any additional comments you may have regarding the grant program (staff, application, process, requirements, outreach, etc.) or contextualize any previous answers or file attachments. Your response may be used as a quote or testimony to advocate for the continued funding of these important state grant programs!