How to Apply

The Valerie Sivinski Fund is a program that provides grants of up to $3,000 to organizations and community groups engaged in historic preservation around our state. The goal of the fund is to support historic preservation where it really happens: at the community level.

The application for the 2025 Sivinski Grants is now closed.

All applicants will be notified by December 2024.

Who is eligible to apply?

Applicants for Valerie Sivinski Fund grants are required to become members of the Washington Trust for Historic Preservation (at the non-profit level or above) if they are not already current members. In addition, grant recipients must remain as members in good standing until the time of project completion. Applicants must fall into one of the following categories:

  • Incorporated non-profit organizations
  • Unincorporated citizens groups/advocacy groups
  • Most Endangered Places property owners
  • Public agencies/school districts/civic organizations
  • Religious organizations

What kinds of projects are eligible?

Valerie Sivinski Fund grants are intended to go toward the preservation of and/or support for cultural and historic places in Washington State. Grant requests must be centered on specific cultural or historic resources; funds may be used to:

  • Directly preserve/rehabilitate a historic or cultural place
  • Hire design, assessment, feasibility, or planning expertise for a historic preservation/rehabilitation project such as architectural or engineering expertise
  • Hire professional expertise for a documentation and/or research project for a historic or cultural place such as the production of a landmark nomination or as-built drawings
  • Increase public access and education about a historic or cultural place by developing interpretive programming and/or materials
  • Raise awareness of and/or support for a historic or cultural place related to the histories of marginalized or underrepresented communities
  • Organize a group, event, or campaign to advocate for a historic or cultural place

Grant funds may not be used for:

  • Projects for historic or cultural places outside of Washington State
  • New construction
  • General operating expenses
  • Expenses incurred prior to the award date (January 1 of the year of the award)

Grant Guidelines

Applicants may apply for a maximum of $3,000, and applications will be evaluated on the following criteria:

  • Significance of the historic or cultural place
  • Degree to which the project preserves/promotes the historic or cultural place
  • Level of community impact of the project
  • Degree to which the project explores or supports the histories of marginalized or underrepresented communities
  • Project urgency
  • Applicant’s readiness to proceed
  • General quality/completeness of application

Those who receive grant awards will be required to submit quarterly reports throughout the duration of their project which should be completed within one year of the award date. Funds will be disbursed to grantees only upon submitting proof of work being accomplished as well as a Sivinski Fund Grant Completion Report.

Grant recipients must also maintain Washington Trust membership in good standing until the time of project completion.

Grant recipients must also enter a 5-year preservation agreement, committing to not demolish, sell, or alter the exterior of the property without approval from the Washington Trust for Historic Preservation – or returning the grant award.

Assistance from the Washington Trust for Historic Preservation is available by phone, by email, through workshops, and occasionally site visits. Please contact us via email or at (206) 462-2999 with any questions.