Business Movement Summary
Write the number of new businesses that have opened in your district. This will include new business startups or a business that was previously located outside the city limits of your community and moved to your district.
Write the number of businesses that have expanded within your district. Expansion can include square footage, number of employees, or major addition to business mix (e.g. bookstore opens a coffee shop in back room).
Write the number of businesses that have closed within your district. This will also include businesses located in your district that move outside the city limits or to another community.
Total number of full-time jobs (or full-time equivalent) created this quarter through new businesses or business expansions. If a business has expanded within the district, new jobs will be created only if additional people are employed after the move or expansion.
Total number of jobs lost to business closure, consolidation, or downsizing. Jobs lost to a business relocation outside the district will be zero unless the business decreases the number of its employees with the move.
Business Movement Details
Based on the totals you have provided above, please add one entry for each new business, expanded business, or closed business and give the requested additional details.
Community Investment
Private and public investment in your district in the last quarter. Private investment are dollars spent by individuals or other private sources. Public investments are dollars spent by the city, county, state or federal government.
Volunteer Hours
The total number of volunteers hours contributed to the organization in the last quarter. This includes hours spent in board and committee meetings, as well as executing projects and special events.
Community Updates
Please feel free to share anecdotal information or news with us here. For immediate feedback or urgent questions, please email Breanne at .
Annual Statistics
In the 4th Quarter of every year, you are asked to gather additional data about your district and organization:
Total number of commercial spaces in your district.
Total number of vacant commercial spaces in your district.
Total number of residential units (currently occupied or available for lease) in your district.
Total number of rehabilitation projects (construction work such as repairing, renovating, modifying, reconstructing) that were completed in the last year.
Total number of new construction projects that were completed in the last year.
Total number of public improvement projects that were completed in the last year. May include, but not limited to, streetscape, lighting, public signage, parks, transportation
The average rental rate for commercial spaces in your district, in terms of price per square foot.
The total number of volunteers that have contributed to the organization in the past year. Count volunteers only once, even if they donated time to more than one committee or project.