2017 Most Endangered Places
The Washington Trust announced the 2017 list of Most Endangered Places in Washington State on May 20, 2017 during our annual fundraiser, Vintage Washington, held at the St. Edward State Park Seminary Building in Kenmore. 2017 marks the 25th anniversary of our Most Endangered Places program. Throughout the years, the Washington Trust’s basic commitment to advocate for preservation of historic and cultural resources has been unwavering – we remain your “Voice for Preservation in Washington State.” Our Most Endangered list perhaps best exemplifies this commitment.
For more information about each Most Endangered Place, see their individual profile pages:
Beverly Bridge • Beverly
Cascade Workers’ Cottages • Seattle
Parlor Car 1799 • Whidbey Island
Valley Schoolhouse • Valley
Scottish Rite Cathedral • Tacoma
Weyerhaeuser Corporate Campus • Federal Way