Bassetti Architects
Founded in 1947, Bassetti Architects is a full-service architectural, planning, and interior design rm with offices in Seattle, Washington and Portland, Oregon. We work primarily on academic, civic, and cultural institutions for public and non-pro t clients. Our goal is to articulate our clients visions into projects of superior design and enduring quality. While our approach to problem solving and design is consistent, our end results are unique to client and community goals. Our architectural services offer honest, inspiring, and long-lasting solutions that are responsive to client needs and site context.
Bassetti is a leader in historic preservation and adaptive reuse. Our commitment to documenting and revitalizing landmark and historic structures is embedded broadly within our rm. We have served on several Landmark boards including King County, Seattle, and Pioneer Square. We are passionate about ensuring that historic buildings are restored appropriately and their lives extended to provide ongoing value. We offer unparalleled experience revitalizing historic schools, restoring the historic structure while meeting 21st century learning needs. Our experience includes: historic building assessment and documentation; strategizing with owners on design and planning for landmark facilities; exploring design options within an historic context; preservation techniques and materials; integrating code compliant structural, mechanical, and electrical systems into historic structures; integrating sustainable systems without disturbing historic fabric; and obtaining approval from Landmark Review agencies.
Categories: Architects, Preservation Consultants – Research, Documentation, Survey, & Nominations, Interiors - Design
Region: West
Minority owned business
71 Columbia St, Suite 500, Seattle, WA 98104
721 NW 9th Ave #350, Portland, OR 97204