Interested in listing your business in the Preservation Trades & Consultants Directory?
Listing your business or organization is an effective, low-cost way to connect with people actively looking for preservation goods and services.
First, all listees of the Preservation Trades & Consultants Directory (PTCD) are required to be current members of the Washington Trust for Historic Preservation at the Corporate Contributor ($100) level or above.*
Already a member?
If your business is already a Washington Trust member, thank you for supporting preservation in Washington State! You are eligible to purchase a listing in the directory by clicking the button below.
Your current membership expiration date is your listing expiration date, and you pay a pro-rated listing fee according to that date ($10/month or $100/year). Therefore, if your membership expires in six months, pay $60 to list your business in the PTCD for those six months. If your membership is brand new and good for a full year, pay only $100 to list your business in the PTCD for the year.
Once you click on the button below and submit the form to purchase a listing, your submission will be reviewed by Washington Trust staff. Please allow up to 48 hours for review. Once your submission is approved, you will receive an email confirming your registration and providing further information on setting up your directory profile.
Please note: You will need to create a login for your Washington Trust membership in order to purchase and manage your directory listing. If you do not have a Washington Trust member login, create one here.
Already listed?
Want to update the information you have listed in your current profile? Click on the link below, then on the “Member Login” button and use your Washington Trust member login information to edit your profile.
Questions? For any questions regarding your membership status, how to purchase a directory listing, or how to edit an existing listing, please contact Kristy Conrad.
* Businesses with 2 or fewer employees are eligible to purchase a directory listing with a current individual level membership ($50) with the Washington Trust.