We’re thrilled to share that Arianne True, the 2023-2025 Washington State Poet Laureate, will present this year’s keynote address at RevitalizeWA.

As place professionals, our work is deeply rooted in a sense of care for places and communities. It ties together our inherent desires to connect with other humans and to experience sense of place. In her keynote, Arianne, who describes historic preservation as near and dear to her heart, will dive into what it means to feel a sense of place, care about a place, and act on that care.

Arianne True (Choctaw, Chickasaw) is a queer poet and teaching artist from Seattle and has spent most of her work time working with youth. She’s received fellowships and residencies from Jack Straw, the Hugo House, Artist Trust, and the Seattle Repertory Theater and is a proud alum of Hedgebrook and of the MFA program at the Institute of American Indian Arts. She lives in Tacoma with her cat. Arianne is the 2023-2025 Washington State Poet Laureate. In April 2023, Arianne was appointed 2023-2025 Washington State Poet Laureate by Governor Jay Inslee. (Learn more at https://www.arts.wa.gov/washington-state-poet-laureate and follow her on Instagram at @wapoetlaureate.)

Arianne’s keynote address will take place during the conference’s opening plenary on Wednesday, October 4, at 4:30 pm and is open to all.

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