WMS Services Survey 2021

Please help Washington Main Street plan for growth in services and education offerings by completing this services survey by Friday, November 18. This survey is anonymous, so please provide your most candid responses to each question.

N/A - I have not received this service1 - I do not find value in it23 - I find it to be valuable45 - I find a great deal of value in it
RevitalizeWA Conference
Quarterly Leadership Meetings
Progress Visits
Individualized services (e.g. board retreats, trainings, strategic planning)
Email and Phone Consultation
N/A - I have not received this service1 - I do not find value in it23 - I find it to be valuable45 - I find a great deal of value in it
Coffees Online Virtual Conversations
Leadership Cohorts (ED + board chair)
Topical webinars (e.g., ARPA funding, Washington Nonprofits Corp. Act, etc.)
Main Street Guides and Resources Library
Main Street 101 videos (including committee interviews)

  • Executive directors
  • Support staff
  • Board of directors
  • Committee volunteers
  • City partners
1 - Barely there2345678910 - Excellent
1 - Main Street what?2345678910 - They really get it!
Which of your core Main Street committees has an active chairperson (who isn't staff) leading meetings and moving work plans forward? Check all that apply.(Required)
What is (are) the greatest challenge(s) facing your organization? (Select up to 2)(Required)
What is (are) the greatest challenge(s) facing your district? (Select up to 2)(Required)
  • Guide books on specific topics
  • Extended resource library (sample documents)
  • Case studies based on best practices from other communities
  • Video trainings you can show locally (such as in committee meetings)