Preserving Historic Cemeteries
History of the Program
The Historic Cemetery Grant Program is generously supported by funding from the Washington State Legislature. The grant program is housed within the Washington State Department of Archaeology & Historic Preservation (DAHP) and managed under contract by the Washington Trust.
Established in 2016 with the enactment of House Bill 2637, the Historic Cemetery Preservation Capital Grant Program is intended to benefit the public by preserving outstanding examples of the state’s historical heritage, enabling historic cemeteries to continue to serve their communities, and honoring the military veterans buried within them. Any cemetery within the state of Washington that contains five or more burials, with at least one burial more than 50 years old, is eligible for this grant program.
2023-2025 Historic Cemetery Grants
The application deadline for this biennium cemetery grant funding cycle has closed.
All applicants will be notified by mid-January 2024, at the latest. Grant contracts will be drafted in February 2024. This program is limited to cemeteries within Washington State.
Historic Cemetery Grants – FAQ
Grant Application Assistance
Do you have questions about your grant project or application? We can help! Email us at or review the video clip below for an application walkthrough.
This video was recorded for the 2021-23 biennium to provide information and guidance on all program requirements and application processes for the Historic Cemetery Grant Program. The application process remains the same for the 2023-25 biennium cemetery grant funding cycle, which was open from Sept 1 to Oct 31, 2023. The maximum cemetery grant award for the 2023-2025 biennium is $50,000.

Portal for Current & Former DAHP Cemetery Grant Recipients
A one-stop shop to support you throughout the life of your grant award. Explore a handy Grant Recipient Checklist, easily download In-kind Match forms, quickly complete your Quarterly Progress Reports, and more! We suggest grantees bookmark this page for easy access.
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