This portal is designed for recipients of the Department of Archeology and Historic Preservation (DAHP) Grant Programs: Heritage Barn, Historic Cemetery, Historic Theatre, and Historic County Courthouse. We suggest you bookmark this page immediately after being notified that you have been awarded a DAHP grant.
If you are not a recipient of a DAHP Grant Programs, you can learn more about these funding opportunities—including when applications next open—here.
For additional questions, please contact us at .

Grant Programs Checklists for New Grant Recipients
These checklists are provided for grant recipients to print or save immediately after being notified that they have been awarded a DAHP grant. Grantees can then follow the progress of their grant project while checking off the program requirements from grant contracting to project completion/reimbursement and the subsequent annual monitoring period.

In-Kind Match Forms
All donated equipment and materials and/or volunteer labor that grantees wish to submit as “in-kind match” or “soft match” must be tracked by market rate equivalents or per person/equipment, per hour, AND per day – as seen in the following forms.

During Your Grant Project
* Due the 15th of every January, April, July, October throughout the duration of your project
** A final copy of your Grant Award Sign will be sent to you by the Grant Administer and must be displayed throughout the life of your grant project. The linked file is for reference and example only.

How to Request Reimbursement & Complete Project
* Must be completed to receive reimbursement as direct deposit
** Easements are required for for private property only. Grantee must complete provided document and file it with their County Clerk or related office. Nearing the completion of your project, please contact your grant administrator to receive instructions on fulfilling the easement requirement. The linked file is for reference and example only.
† This payment voucher form will be sent by the Grant Administrator after you submit your first reimbursement request. The linked file is for reference and example only.

After Your Grant Project Concludes
* Annual Monitoring is due for Barns, Cemeteries, and Theaters annually by December 31st. This is not required for County Courthouses.